12-Week Mid-Distance Swimming Program (100-200m)


The most individualized “readied swimming program” that you can find online!

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

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This is the most individualized “readied swimming program” that you can find online!



Swimming paces (energy zones) and Invervals are not pre-determined.

All the sets in the program will be adjusted to your physiology and conditioning level.

So, you are guarenteed to get the maximum amount of benefit from this program.


You’ll be working on every detail and every technical aspect of your swimming. Including:

  • Warm-up and Warm-down
  • Aerobic and Anaerobic Sets
  • Scull & Drill & Quality Sets & Pull/Kick Sets
  • Overspeed & Resistance Sets
  • Start & Turns & Finish work
  • Underwater work


This program comes with:

  • Terminology Dictionary PDF
  • Tips and Tricks PDF to maximize the effectiveness of training.
  • Introduction video of the program.
  • Answer of Frequently Asked Questions PDF